Study protocol/Sensory analysis

An experiment will be carried out using a taste panel to assess meat eating quality. The assessment will be carried out on Longissimus muscle samples cooked in the same way as for shear force measurements. The attributes (flavour, tenderness, aroma and juiciness) will be assessed by eight panellists using an eight-point descriptive scale (1-8) with the larger scores indicating a more favourable rating. For example, flavour will be described as 1=extremely undesirable, 2=very undesirable, 3=moderately undesirable, 4=slightly undesirable, 5=slightly desirable, 6=moderately desirable, 7=very desirable and 8= extremely desirable. Similarly, juiciness will be assessed as 1=extremely dry to 8=extremely juicy, aroma as 1=not intense to 8= extremely intense and tenderness as 1=extremely tough to 8=extremely tender. The panellists will be trained in standard attribute assessments.

There will be two sessions per day. During each session each panellist will be presented with four samples. Samples will be coded with a unique randomly selected three digit code and the serving sequence will also be randomised. Tap water and fresh carrot rings will be used as a mouth cleanser before tasting and in between different samples. The panellists will be expected to take a bite of the carrot followed by a sip of water and wait for 10 minutes between samples in order to restore the normal fluid environment in their mouths. The samples will be offered warm.

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